Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Well, its good to come home. I had a nice trip, but its not easy keeping up with these young guys. The trip was nice, some baseball, cooking, margaritas, beer, wine, steak, basketball, sun, rain, music, and mayhem. The weather didn't cooperate the whole time (it never seems to on Spring Break.) But it was still a great time. For some reason, it caused me to be very reflective.

I spent a lot of time thinking about how things are really coming to a head here. My parents are always asking me if I feel like "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel," and that sort of thing. I usually don't make much of those sorts of questions, but when I was asked the other day, I had an answer that many of you might relate to. I said, "I'm so busy right now, I can't really see very far in front of my face." I feel overextended right now. I really do. School and work will be over in about six weeks. While that's nice, I want to make sure I can avoid living my life in an overextended manner. It can make it really hard to enjoy yourself.

A friend of mine just did an interesting post regarding the value of religion. I am planning on responding as soon as I'm in the right frame of mind. You should read it, but if you don't have the time, here are a few snipits:

"I see tremendous value in religion. I find the value given to an individual that is received by belief in something to be, for lack of a better term, invaluable. I've looked for something to replace belief and I just can't find it. Belief, in my opinion, runs along the same lines as hope, but has been sublimated. And who among us would even dare to suggest the removal of "hope" from the human vernacular?!!"

I was saying that hope and belief have very similar characteristics and that to disregard belief is to devalue hope. So I guess the counterargument would be that we should attempt to displace belief with hope, since belief relies on the supernatural. And I must say that makes sense to me if I'm claiming that belief and hope hold relatively the same value. But remember that I said that belief had been sublimated."

If you enjoyed those snipits, check out the post. The link is above. And my response will come soon. Best wishes to all of you!

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