Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Topsy Turvy

What a strange world we live in...

Last night, someone stole an old atlas and my floor mats from my car...

That's floor mats. Not my cd player, amplifier, subwoofer, or anything else. Just my floormats.


I'm so confused...what would a person do with floormats? They're usually cut specifically for each vehicle and mine were several years old as it was.

I wish I had access to a criminal profiler. I'd like to know what kind of weirdo would do this...

Whomever it was...I think they probably belong in Gitmo.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's Saturday & I'm 26

It never fails to amaze me how much my perception changes every few I lay here this morning I can't believe that I'm 26 and I'm done with law school. It wasn't so long ago that I was looking at 3 more years of school. I remember my first semester...wondering if I was going to be able to survie...which would eventually shift to wondering if I could deal with the constant barrage of non-sense. That's really what law school becomes...its like a mental marathon. If you survive the first month, you will graduate as long as you read an outline and show up for finals.

Despite this, I now realize that law school radically altered the way in which I perceive the world and process information...For the most part, I think its an improved perception. But it does seem to carry a lot of baggage.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Im Still Here

I drifted away from the blogging world for a minute happens. But fear not, I'd never leave you. I've spent the evening making phone calls and calculating financial stuff. Nothing too exciting...but the weekend is almost here, and you've gotta like that.

We're approaching the One Month range for finding out about the bar. I had my first dream in a while about that the other night. What a long time to have to wait. What a pain. Blah!

Anyway, there is lots going on but I don't feel like saying too much really. Just wanted to say hello and I'll hopefully be back soon...