Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Roll Call

After having a discussion with a friend of mine, I've decided to up the ante on The Memo Writer. I am planning on posting more often. Other changes will be made as well, hopefully for the better.

Now, here is where you, the faithful reader, can contribute. I want you to tell me what you would like to see done differently, added, subtracted, or otherwise changed about my blog. I will take all of your suggestions into consideration and sometime soon I will roll out a new and improved version of The Memo Writer. And don't worry, I won't do anything too drastic. I'll be very careful not to be the next New Coke.

I look forward to hearing from you!



Brad Raple said...

1. The more often you update it, the more often people will read it.

2. I'll show you how to put links into your blog. It's not actually that hard, but it's hard to describe without showing you.

3. Use more hyperlinks.

4. Don't exclusively focus on personal, or national issues. I.E. Exclusively talking about what's going on in the news, etc. vs. talking about what's going on in your personal life. A healthy mix is key.

5. Post photos. Many of my visitors I don't know personally get drawn there by the photos I've taken.

6. If you want people you know to read about it, let them know it exists. Gotta be careful if you want to remain anonymous though.

7. Although I typically don't follow this advice, I think shorter posts are typically better. You do a good job already on length though.

8. Again, post frequently. That's the best thing to keep people hooked.

Kalki Weisthor said...

I have to love this blog, for the title of the Andy Rooney entry if nothing else.

I'm going to put up a link to your blog on mine, so maybe people can follow this discussion; your comment on my blog, in response to my comment on your previous entry, is going to be confusing the readership anyway. I am going to write a new entry answering a couple of comments on yesterday's entry, hopefully today.

Thanks again, talk to you soon. It's always interesting to watch people going into the legal system. Hopefully you won't burn out as bad as I did. I admire people whose bullshit tolerance enables them to hang in there. One of my best friends is a federal public defender who's been practicing for over twenty years, so I know it can be done.