Thursday, June 15, 2006

40 Days Away

As hard as it is to believe, the bar is only 40 days away. I've booked my hotel room and the bar preparation continues forward at a blistering pace. I really had no prior appreciation for what I was in for. I guess I always knew it was going to be a bitch, but that's not the same as going through it. I sure as hell don't want to have to do this a second time.

I'd like to know how much of this homework everyone else is getting done. I need to know how much I should be beating myself up when I don't get it all finished. This stuff takes up a lot of time. So far, I'm doing pretty well on the MBE's, but my essays have a LONG way to go, and I'm attempting my first Performance Exam. All of this seems so pointless, and perhaps it is, or perhaps arbitrary is a better word. But lots of life is arbitrary, especially the business world. I suppose I had better just get used to that aspect of the world if I want to be a lawyer.

Anyway, life does not slow down for you. I find myself already behind on many basic tasks, and I'm not getting the most fantastic sleep in the world. I've started doing a nightly dip in the hot tub, makes me feel better, but also tired. I think I need to start working out more and eating better. That would be an improvement over my first 2 week bar/bri program of eating everything in sight and never working out (except surfing a few times).

I appreciate everyone's support. I met with an alumni today that gave me some very positive advice and information, as well as picking up the tab at a delicious downtown Mexican restaurant. I must say, I do love it here, and believe that it's possible that San Diego is the greatest city in America.

Still Truckin'

-the memo writer

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