Friday, June 16, 2006

39 Days (But who's counting right?)

Well, another week finished and another day closer to getting this show on the road. My impression of the job market has been very positive. I've got a few more meetings lined up. Sadly, this only further reinforces the importance of passing this damn test. And there's really nothing anyone can say or do about it. My feelings are that I should only focus on passing and expect nothing else. I talked to my mom this morning and she tried to comfort me by saying that even if I didn't pass, things would be ok. This didn't make me feel any better. But having someone say that I would be screwed if I don't pass isn't likely to help either.

All that aside, I'm just so frustrated by this whole experience, and I'm barely 1/4 into it. I think I have the necessary motivation to get through it all, but its not going to be fun. Now there's an understatement.

If anyone out there has some beneficial advice, now would be an excellent time.

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