Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Hits Keep Coming

I used to enjoy Bill O'Reilly. Generally, I don't anymore. I've changed some, he's changed some. But that's not the point. My point is, for a long time, this guy was one of the major Bush Backers, though he didn't like to admit it. (He's always labeled himself an independent). But now O'Reilly is comparing his presidency to Jimmy Carter's and offering ideas on how to turn things around.

To me, this is just another sign as to how bad it's gotten for Bush. And while its terrible for the country, it does make me feel somewhat vindicated. You see, I've labeled him a nitwit from the beginning. I cannot understand how anyone can support him. As a particularly wise professor of mine suggested, "Sometimes it seems like his plan is to screw up everything he can."

Does Bush know something I don't know? Did God tell him the date of Armageddon during one of their conversations?

In all seriousness, I just think its a shame how things have fallen apart. I would have rather been wrong than see it come to this. I often wonder, if we could turn back the clock now, and vote again, how much would Bush lose by? My gut says it would be a landslide, but could I be wrong? What do people know now that they didn't know in 2004? He was doing just as poorly back then. And yes, I understand that the Democrats didn't do a great job of getting people motivated. But, when your pitcher has given up back to back to back to back to back homeruns, sometimes you HAVE to bring someone else in, even if the guy doesn't seem like he's necessarily that good either.

1 comment:

TheMemoWriter said...

Note: The link has changed since I posted the article. Apparently you have to be a preferred member of to read it now. Lol.