Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Diary of a Procrastinator

It's getting down to crunchtime folks, and I've still got much to do. My two main concerns: My media law project and secured transactions. With the project, which is probably about 20% complete at best, I'm beginning to freak out. For whatever reason, I'm having some sort of writers block. I thought hammering something out on here might help. We'll see...

Secured is a whole other area. I should have taken this class 3 semesters ago. Back then my study habits were better and I was far better equipped for this nonsense. If you don't know what a secured transaction is, allow me to explain: you're lucky!!! Let's just leave it at that.

Anyway, I've read books that suggest some of the reasons why I might procrastinate. Most of it makes sense. But you know what? Here I am...no further along.

The good thing is though, I've gotten all sorts of less important tasks done. For example, the dishwasher is running right now, I gave blood today, and I started reading Zen in the Art of Archery. Good stuff.

You know what? I think this has helped!

Back to work...


Brad Raple said...

Whatever. It's 9:41 PM. You're not doing anything productive. You're watching Boston Legal. I'm sure of it. I'm way behind myself. Especially with Boston Legal.

TheMemoWriter said...

TIVO. Denny Crane.

Denny Crane. TIVO.

Denny Crane.

Brad Raple said...

I really can't wait for BL to be put on iTunes. I'd pay 1.99 per show for that. Especially if it was in decent quality, AND played on the iPod without a ton of conversion. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD either. Maybe this Christmas, Seasons 1 &2.

On topic though, the end of law school stuff is REALLY piling up on me. I hope it all works out, but I'm sure it will.