Thursday, December 15, 2005


Well, in two weeks time, I'll be enjoying myself. I'm going to perhaps the only place where a boy like me can be happy. Dinosaur World? No, Las Vegas. I'm going with a good buddy of mine and we're going to do our best to live like rockstars. That's always much easier when you're winning money instead of losing it. So if you're in a nice mood, how about sending some positive energy my way. I need the cards to be good to me. Hopefully I can take it from there.

I won't be seeing many of the usual faces this year for New Years, but that's ok by me. New Years is usually vastly overrated. It is a relationship killer. It is all hype and a big let down. But this year is going to be different. I'll be surrounded by people I don't know, who, much like me, will be looking to let loose and have fun. I can't wait.

On another note, congratulations to me and several of my partners in crime for passing the first half of the bar. The only thing that stands between me and the legal profession is one more semester and one more (big) standardized test. I think you hear me knocking, and I think I'm coming in.


Brad Raple said...

"New Years is usually vastly overrated." should be:

"The Memo Writer is now vastly overrated."

of·fi·cial: adj. Authorized by a proper authority; authoritative.

What authority made you the #1 Law School Blog?

OK, maybe I'm just jealous.

Brad Raple said...

I think it's time for a party poker post. Or some kind of post. It needs updating.