Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Meaning of Life (Revealed)

I guess something big came to me in the shower today. Actually it was something that I already knew for a long time. Wanna know the meaning of life?

Here's the secret: There is no "meaning of life." All these people constantly talking about it have no clue what it even means. And do they really think they'll find an answer? Look, every complicated decision has pros and cons. You have to make choices in life, and by making choices, you'll choose to miss out on some things. We only have so many years, and they're best spent living in the moment. So don't waste your time asking stupid questions like, "what's the point of all this?" There is no point! It's really not such a bad thing. And I believe that you'll be a step ahead of everyone else by knowing that there is no answer to search for. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for learning and searching and growing. But I won't kid myself into thinking that there is an answer to every question that our minds can create.


TheMemoWriter said...

Ok...I guess that the blog has received its first piece of spam. How exciting! I would guess that most people would take it down...but I don't really want to.

Anonymous said...

I really like what you have to say. I went back and read all of your posts and I think your site is great. I like how you don't stick to any one theme. It keeps things more interesting. Keep up the good work!