Saturday, April 09, 2005

Walking Contradiction

Today I ate at a vegetarian restaurant across the street from my flat for lunch...I had a Burger King burger for dinner. Why not, right?

On another subject, I decided to create this page largely due to the fact that a good friend of mine, Brad Raple, decided to create one as well. One of the main subjects of his page is bashing retail electronic stores, specifically Best Buy, Circuit City, and CompUSA. While I applaud his efforts in exposing these evil companies, I feel that I must cover this subject on my page as well. I worked at best buy for a little over two years and I have stories that must be told. Much like my friend Mr. Raple, I was bashing Best Buy long before it was trendy. More on this to come.

1 comment:

Brad Raple said...

At least you didn't eat the Hardee's Triple Bypass Burger. Jesus. Why do the marketing people at Hardee's think that a video of a sweaty Mark McGwire stuffing his face with a side of beef wedged between two grease sodden buns is going to make me hungry? "Lookit dat! Makes me wanna get me a sammich! Yeehaw!"