Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Eagle Has Landed

[today's post is a bit of a catchup and is written in a quasi-stream of conscioness form]

Hello my faithful readers. I know you're out there somewhere. Other than oh, two of you, I don't know who you are. But that's cool.

Well, my move to the Wild West should be considered an early success. The trip was grueling. At times I felt like it was a modern day version of Oregon Trail. Wheels breaking, oxen running away, even people dying of typhoid (or being really tired). Anyway, we arrived to find we did not have an apartment, kind of a big oversight but also a product of our unwillingness to settle for something unknown over the internet. Sometimes the best way to move into a town is to move there and then start looking. If you have the luxury of being able to visit the town in advance and pick out a place even better. But as I found in London, when that isn't an option, you're probably not going to end up liking the place you chose from far away.

Anyway, I digress. So after staying at a very unique Hostel, we ended up striking gold on a 2 bedroom in La Jolla. My dad was certain that I couldn't afford to live here. At this point, he's probably right. But as soon as I land any legal job, I'll actually be able to afford to live here quite comfortably. In the meantime, I can tread water by working at a legal staffing agency for a few months after the bar. Their pay begins at $14 an hour. Not something I would want to do forever, but this past year has been an expensive one. I lived in central London, bought a computer, a guitar, an HDTV, a digital SLR camera, and all sorts of other toys. Right now, money is about as tight as its ever been, but it's mostly a product of my earlier choices, choices which I was comfortable with when I made them. I stand by them now.

In other words, I knew when I bought my toys that I was spending some money. I knew that living in London and San Diego are both expensive. I knew that until I could find a legal job I would not have much of a financial cushion. According to the bar people, I'm not supposed to think about this stuff until after the bar, which begins in 41 days if my count is correct. I need another cup of coffee.

. . .

Ok, I'm back. I don't think I feel like really saying at that much more. I'll leave it for another time. But anyway, things are going good. Somewhat high stress, but I'm doing what I can to handle it. Last night at bar/bri the professor had a very positive message. Everybody passes! Everybody passes! He told lots of stories about people who were afflicted with all sorts of crazy problems that still passed.

Anyway, There's so much more to come...just you wait.

-the memo writer

1 comment:

Brad Raple said...

"and all sorts of other toys..."

Don't forget the surfboard.

Glad to hear you're in good shape.