Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hand Me That Gun

"After spending 3 years learning how to hold a gun, eventually you're going to want to put some bullets in and shoot something."

This sums up the feelings of many of the future litigators of America. Most notably, my classmates and colleagues. We're hungry. We want blood! Seriously, I want to get out there and start shooting. I know that almost everyone is going to have more experience. That doesn't bother me. I'm young. I'm still a bit naive. And when I get my chance I'm going to line up my shot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot. When the dust clears, I expect to have my first victory and be on my way. But what if instead I see holes in my shirt and see that I'm the one that has been shot? Well, I'll just have to put some band-aids on and reload.

That's part of the fun of starting out fresh. We're young trial lawyers. A clean slate. While law school has worn each of us down to some degree, we still have the benefit of youth and inexperience. While experience is a weapon that can be quite useful, fresh legs go a long way. A 55 year old lawyer of 25 years may have seen it all. He may have tried hundreds of cases. And while that gives him an edge, it may also erode his passion. To me, my first case will be everything. The championship. I hope we all keep in touch so we can share the experience of cutting down our respective nets!

Shock the World!

1 comment:

Brad Raple said...

I like it. I'm ready to go myself. I feel like I've been in some sort of weird limbo for the last 3 years. It will be good to get out there and get some things done.