Wednesday, December 14, 2005


My last final is a take home, due on Friday. I've made some progress on it, but truth be told, considering the time I've had, I've been terribly inefficient. I've had conversations with other people about this, and I've found many people are the same way. Some of them take Ritilin or Adderal, some don't. I don't want to. So I've been doing some research on procrastination, in the hopes that by learning about it, I can learn how to either compensate for it or change.

In other words, while procrastinating I decided to research procrastination. And I think I found some good information out. I think I need to do some serious research on personal development. I need something to guide me towards becoming more efficient. Like most things, it's mind over matter, but the fact that I know that isn't enough. Most people need some guidance to behave they way that they would like to. It's a learned behavior, like anything else. So now its time to teach myself how to behave.

Good things can come from procrastination.

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